How long does it take? An average yard is usually done within a day.

Will it crack? It is the "nature" of concrete to crack, although, this does not mean that the curbing will crack. We don't say it will and we don't say it won't. We try to control any cracking with expansion joints. If cracking does occur, it should be in these joints. We experience very little cracking in our products. Saskatchewan weather creates frost and heaving, which is the number one reason for any cracking. Sometimes the "fix" can look worse than the "ill", as it is very difficult to get a perfect color match.

How long will it last? It will last as long as you leave it in and re-seal every 2-3 years, like any other concrete application.

Do I need to do any prep work? For the most part, we do all the prep work. If there is something the home owner needs to do prior to installation, we will let you know at time of estimate.

What is the warranty like? We warranty our workmanship and defects in materials for one year after installation. Due to the "nature" of concrete, we do not warranty cracks.

How is the curbing done? Our curbing is extruded via a slip-form system, which means there are no conventional forms used. The curb is extruded then finished afterwards.

How long does it take to dry? Most applications will be dry to the touch within a few hours, but will not be completely hard yet even after a few days. Concrete takes 28 days to fully cure.

Will the installation wreck my flowers and grass? No, our machines and crew are very respectful to our customer's property. Each yard that we curb at is done as if we are working on our own yard. Our crew works cleanly and efficiently.

Is the color just on top? No, our color is though-out.

How much room is needed for the installation? All we need is the width of a 3' opening.


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